Add Chat to OBS

Add Chat to OBS

In OBS we can add the chatrooms to the streaming services we are using. open OBS and click on Docks/Custom browser docks now add the following chat urls into the fields: Mixcloud: chat : (the combined chat merges messages from Facebook, Youtube and Twitch into one chat window) Click Apply. now you can…

Use Android Phone as a Webcam

Use Android Phone as a Webcam

2. install the Droidcam OBS plugin for your compouter: Windows installation run the DroidCamOBS.Setup.2.2.1.exe file and makes ure it installs to the same directory that your OBS is located in. eg. C:\Program Files\obs-studio click NEXT make sure the Android and Apple USB support boxes are ticked and click INSTALL. MAC installation Run the DroidCamOBS_2.2.1_macos.pkg file…