Just a few rules to follow when streaming , if you follow these everything will be fine.
Our Rules
- No swearing on the mic
- No drinking of alcohol on camera (have a drink by all means but please drink off camera)
- No smoking/vaping on camera (again, have a puff but off camera please)
Mixcloud rules
Mixcloud is basically the only western streaming service that deals with copyright for us, so we can play what you want without having to worry about copyright, but Mixcloud does have a couple of rules to follow if we want the recorded audio from a live show to be published.
- You cannot play no more than 3 tunes of the same artist in a set.
- You cannot play no more than 2 of the same artist consecutively (so not 3 tunes in a row)
failing to do this will not allow us to publish the recorded audio from a live stream to relisten to after the show has finished and the audio has been processed.
Thats it! Happy Streaming guys!